Friday, March 14, 2014

Baby Bentley's first moments!

Bentley came screaming and waving his way into this world at 7:22 am on December 19th 2013! 
Seven pounds 2 ounces and 19 3/4 inches long. He was the most perfect baby I had ever seen. He looked just like his big brother but with a lot more hair :)  He had his mommies hair and his daddies eyes! His brothers good looks and his sisters sweet cuddles. He was just what our family had been wishing for and he made us complete. We could not be happier and can not imagine our life without him. I never thought I could love being a mom more than I already did but now that I have baby #3 I love being a mom even more!
I am more than willing to admit that I am 100% obsessed with my new sweet little boy! 
Being his mom is amazing!

So here's a look back at baby Bentley's first moments and my first moments as being his mom.

We have big dreams for this little guy! We plan to spoil him rotten and hopefully keep him a baby forever! Our wish is that you will always know how much we love you!

Welcome to the family sweet baby! I already love being your mom!

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