Saturday, March 15, 2014

My own little Elf's on the shelf!

Grammy got the kids Elf on the shelf and gave it to them on Thanksgiving this year!
The kids were so excited! I was pretty excited too! I may have been a little bit more excited if I wasn't nine months pregnant and hated getting out of bed in the mornings! Luckily daddy made sure he hid very good every morning! Although a few morning we did have to explain to the kids that maybe he just liked that spot and so he stayed and he would move the next day haha :)  Luckily my kids are still little and they thought that was a good excuse!

She also got all three of the kids the stuffed animal doll elf on the shelf's to play with and sleep with at night!

If you followed my blog THEDINKINS then you might remember my posts about Christopher pop in kins from the last few years. He was just like the elf on the shelf and was sent to watch over us and report back to Santa. And we have had many great adventures with Christopher. So attached to our elf on the shelf was this note:

Dear Westfall's,
Hello again...I have missed you this last year, but I see you have been really busy. I heard there has been lots of nice kids at this house, and oops a little bit of naughty, but you still have time to fix that. I have been coming and watching over your mommy at Grammy's house for many many years. I heard the Westfall's got married this year and got a new house... Wow, that's so exciting, I bet your having fun there. Well I have to stay here at Grammy's and watch Danny, Rikki-Owen, and Grandpa to make sure they are being good. But we had lots of new elf's at Santa's workshop that really really wanted to get a new home for the holidays. There was an elf named jingle but that really doesn't fit with your house and all those B's. Then I spotted the perfect elf my brother Bingle Pop-in Kin's. So take him home and leave him on your table (don't worry he will get out of the box all by himself.) Never ever ever touch him or he will lose his magic and not be able to get back to the north pole to tell Santa what you want for Christmas. I will miss having you at Grammy's house this year but every time you "Pop In" to see Grammy see if you can find me and I will have a treat for you. Hope you all have a wonderful holiday season...And don't forget I'm watching I want to see all NICE and no NAUGHTY! And that means Grandpa too!
Love Christopher Pop in Kins

Well then I found the kids the cutest elf on the shelf pajamas and Blankets and I got Bentley the cutest elf on the shelf baby blanket and they all loved them and looked so dang cute! 

Sadly I don't have any pictures of Bentley with his super cute elf on the shelf blanket :( 
But I assure you it was super cute!

So this picture will have to do!

I think I might have the three cutest babies in the world!

Having a baby!

We have quickly learned that having a new baby is not easy when you already have two crazy little ones running around! Lets just say it is never a dull moment in the Westfall house! From morning until night we are busy busy busy! My house may never be clean again! And the pile of laundry that needs to be folded may be growing monstrous by the moment! But why would I want to do those things when I could be playing, singing, reading, and cuddling my little ones. Being there mom is the greatest blessing and best job I have ever had and there is nothing I would rather be doing!

Here is a look back on the week we brought baby Bentley home. And the week we learned how to be a family of 5! And the week we learned we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into! Anyone who says that three isn't any harder than two is just plain crazy :)

I love his tinyness! He's in the cutest thing I have ever seen I swear! But then again I am his mom ;) 

Hailey likes taking pictures of the baby just like mommy and daddy and grandma!

 It was a crazy and eventful first week but we wouldn't change it for the world!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Baby Bentley's first moments!

Bentley came screaming and waving his way into this world at 7:22 am on December 19th 2013! 
Seven pounds 2 ounces and 19 3/4 inches long. He was the most perfect baby I had ever seen. He looked just like his big brother but with a lot more hair :)  He had his mommies hair and his daddies eyes! His brothers good looks and his sisters sweet cuddles. He was just what our family had been wishing for and he made us complete. We could not be happier and can not imagine our life without him. I never thought I could love being a mom more than I already did but now that I have baby #3 I love being a mom even more!
I am more than willing to admit that I am 100% obsessed with my new sweet little boy! 
Being his mom is amazing!

So here's a look back at baby Bentley's first moments and my first moments as being his mom.

We have big dreams for this little guy! We plan to spoil him rotten and hopefully keep him a baby forever! Our wish is that you will always know how much we love you!

Welcome to the family sweet baby! I already love being your mom!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Once again I am back!!!
I have been missing my blog like crazy so that I can look back and remember all the cute things my little family did and see all the cute pictures. But being pregnant and chasing after two toddlers, and moving into a new house kept me pretty busy to say the least. And I got FAR behind. So today I posted several posts I had previously blogged but never posted and now its time for me to catch up so I can start blogging again before my kids are all grown up! 

So here is what we were up to in 2013! 

Me and Tyler got married!

We moved into our very first home!

We found out we were expecting a little baby! 

Look who's going to be a big brother and sister!
Read out shirts :) 
Our pregnancy announcement! 

We found out we were having a baby boy! 
And we decided to name him Bentley William Westfall!

We decorated the perfect Camo nursery!

Braxton and Hailey had a Mickey and Minnie Mouse Birthday party!

We took a trip to the deer farm and a ride on the grand canyon railroad to a magical pumpkin patch!

Halloween 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

December 2013

And we welcomed the newest addition to our family baby #3!
Bentley William Westfall!
7lbs 2 ounces and a head full of dark hair!

It was a big year for the Westfall's and we could not be happier.
We went from being families of 2's to a family of 5! 
We can't wait to see what 2014 has in store for us!!!