Saturday, March 15, 2014

Having a baby!

We have quickly learned that having a new baby is not easy when you already have two crazy little ones running around! Lets just say it is never a dull moment in the Westfall house! From morning until night we are busy busy busy! My house may never be clean again! And the pile of laundry that needs to be folded may be growing monstrous by the moment! But why would I want to do those things when I could be playing, singing, reading, and cuddling my little ones. Being there mom is the greatest blessing and best job I have ever had and there is nothing I would rather be doing!

Here is a look back on the week we brought baby Bentley home. And the week we learned how to be a family of 5! And the week we learned we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into! Anyone who says that three isn't any harder than two is just plain crazy :)

I love his tinyness! He's in the cutest thing I have ever seen I swear! But then again I am his mom ;) 

Hailey likes taking pictures of the baby just like mommy and daddy and grandma!

 It was a crazy and eventful first week but we wouldn't change it for the world!

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