Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Once again I am back!!!
I have been missing my blog like crazy so that I can look back and remember all the cute things my little family did and see all the cute pictures. But being pregnant and chasing after two toddlers, and moving into a new house kept me pretty busy to say the least. And I got FAR behind. So today I posted several posts I had previously blogged but never posted and now its time for me to catch up so I can start blogging again before my kids are all grown up! 

So here is what we were up to in 2013! 

Me and Tyler got married!

We moved into our very first home!

We found out we were expecting a little baby! 

Look who's going to be a big brother and sister!
Read out shirts :) 
Our pregnancy announcement! 

We found out we were having a baby boy! 
And we decided to name him Bentley William Westfall!

We decorated the perfect Camo nursery!

Braxton and Hailey had a Mickey and Minnie Mouse Birthday party!

We took a trip to the deer farm and a ride on the grand canyon railroad to a magical pumpkin patch!

Halloween 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

December 2013

And we welcomed the newest addition to our family baby #3!
Bentley William Westfall!
7lbs 2 ounces and a head full of dark hair!

It was a big year for the Westfall's and we could not be happier.
We went from being families of 2's to a family of 5! 
We can't wait to see what 2014 has in store for us!!!

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