Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Father's Day 2013

We had the perfect fathers day this year!
And hopefully Tyler thought so too!
I'm married to the most amazing guy in the whole world but more than that he's an even better daddy to Hailey and Braxton. And he's already an amazing daddy to baby #3 :)
Here's pictures from our perfect weekend!
Thanks mom and Terry for making our weekend perfect!
Pictures from Day 1:
Hailey was the only one willing to stop and take a picture with me everyone else ran straight for the pool! I love my baby girl!
My little swimming fish loved the baby pool!
Our First Holiday being married!
Baby Westfall's first trip to the pool!
And I said goodbye to bikini's :(
daddy and Hailey
Nothing better than an icee on a hot day!

Father's day dinner
My mom told them we had just gotten married so they did a little cake and toast for us!

Day 2:

Happy Father's Day to the best daddy ever!

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