Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Wednesday Round Up!

This Wednesday Round Up is a little sad :(
I missed a day!
But I plan to do better next week!
Wednesday May 8th
Playing with our chalk outside!
Thursday April 9th
This is how Hailey likes to eat her cereal every morning.
Makes me laugh every time!
Hailey loves to pose when I get out the camera!
I love my little model!
Lego Time!
Friday May 10th
Daddy sent me an early mothers day gift!
An edible arrangement!
I had been wanting one forever!
Saturday April 11th
Sleepy little princess
Sunday April 12th
Happy Mothers Day!
I was too busy celebrating my special day with my two little cuties that make being a mommy the best thing ever, to take any pictures :(
But I had the best day ever with Tyler, Braxton, and Hailey and that's what mothers day is all about!
Monday April 13th
Hailey helped me eat my edible arrangement!
She was a complete mess but it was super cute!
 Chalk Board Time
This is how Braxton cleans up haha
Leaves everything in the middle of the floor like this and says its clean its all lined up!
Music Time
Tuesday May 14th
More edible arrangement fruit!
Painting Time
Cleaning strawberries
And that was our week!

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