Monday, May 13, 2013

Wednesday Round Up!

Everyone else might be getting tired of my Wednesday Round ups. However, I love them!
And this Blog is my journal and pretty much just for me or anyone who is crazy enough to like to look a millions of pictures of my cute kidos. I have always wanted to be one of those moms that blog every single day and have a journal of what is going on in there life every single day. I would love to be able to do that! I would love to be able to look back and have a journal post about every single day of my life while my kids are growing up. But it has never happened and probably never will. I either forget or don't have the time. So for now I am proud that I have been so good at doing a weekly roundup and that I haven't forgotten to take pictures a single day yet.

This one is a little late because I didn't have time to post on Wednesday but better late then never right?!?
And yay for the first week of May! Summer is here and we are loving it! And loving the kids cute swimming suits, summer outfits, cute beach towels and sandals!
Wednesday  May 1st
Alphabet Time
Play Time
Braxton cuddles!
I love when I can still get my baby to cuddle with me.
Its really rare these days and I love every second of it!
Thursday May 2nd
Day at the Duck Pond with Cousin Shawn
Friday May 3rd
Sick Day
Movie day and relaxing because Hailey and mommy were sick and Braxton was sympathy sick :)
Best part about sick days is the snuggles
Braxton getting a hair cut
Making home made pizza
Saturday May 4th
Play Doh Fun
Sunday May 5th
Cinco De Mayo
Check out my blog post from Cinco De Mayo for the complete cuteness of this day :)
Miss Hailey wasn't feeling good but she still had lots of giggles and laughs
With Everyone still feeling sick we did another comfy day and movie Time!
The kids love when I make them beds on the couch or floor to watch movies.
I'm ready for these kids to be feeling better!
But i'm loving them being so snuggly!
Monday May 6th
Miss Hailey got new cute purple nails with glitter of course!
She is still loving purple!
She sits so carefully and watches TV while they dry :)
Hailey right before bed when we were watching movies :)
Tuesday May 7th 
Braxton's movie Time
Helping Trim the bushes :)
Dress Up Time
We do a lot of dress up around here these days!
Chalk Time
Sorry for the late Wednesday Round up!
Hope your enjoying May!


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