Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Wednesday Round Up!

So far I have been awesome at this weekly Wednesday Round Up! Yay me!
This is week 4, and I haven't missed a week yet.
Lets just hope this is not me jinxing it ;)
Some days I am better at taking pictures than others but so far I have remembered at least a couple pictures each day! And some days I take a little too many pictures. But hey my kids are cute and I can't help but share!  Braxton is in his I'm not going to smile for the camera unless you make me or I want to stage, and Hailey loves having her picture taken. However I still try and get an equal amount of pictures of both kids, but we all know that's super hard. So some days there's more pictures of Braxton and some days there's more pictures of Hailey.
I know I am going to love looking back and seeing what the kids did each week!
Here's a little flash back from what we were doing at this time last April
I can't believe how much Hailey has changed!
Braxton still looks the same but smaller :)
And now on to our weekly round up:
Wednesday April 24th

Play Time
Fashion Pollys
Teeth Brushing!
The kids have been hating brushing there teeth lately. And I hate fighting them! So I made them each a teeth chart, that every time they brush there teeth they get to put a sticker up and when there chart is full daddy will take them to the store and let them pick out a prize.
They love this idea and were so excited to brush there teeth!
Sticker Time
Color Time
Animal flash cards
cutest thing they have sounds and hand motions for each animal
Wolf Flash card
the wolf howls :)
Teeth brushing take 2!
these charts are really working :)
More stickers!
Aunt Rikki's baseball game

Thursday April 25th

Teeth Brushing!
F is for Fish coloring sheets
M&M color sorting
the kids had to sort the M&M's into the right color cups
I love my babies
Cup Cake making
Fish Cup Cakes

Friday April 26th

Swimming Cuties
 Play Time
Chasing Bunnies
Painting little nails
Hailey has decided her new favorite color is purple
So of course she needs purple nails :)
Braxton wanted to take a picture of us :)
Saturday April 27th
Headed to Tucson
At the park
 Train Ride
Sunday April 29th
Headed to the Tucson Water Park
Eating a snack at the Park
Playing at the park
Hailey and her Princess shoes
 She wears them twenty four seven until we make her take them off!
Clipity clop clipity clop is all we hear all day long :)
My little snuggle bug
Monday April 29th
Hailey and her horsey!
Even her horse has to be pretty :)
Popsicle Time
 Playing Cards
Tuesday April 30th
Chalk Board Time
And that's another round up!
This week this mommy has been exhausted and sick :(
Lets hope next week is better!

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