Thursday, April 11, 2013

Wednesday Round up!

Because the kids are growing up so fast and I feel like the time is flying by. And I already know that I am going to miss these days so much. I have decided to do a weekly round up of what went on that week. And of course cute pictures for each day. And this will be good motivation to actually take pictures every day even though usually I already do :)
Wednesday April 3rd
We played with out bunnies the majority of the day. Our life pretty much revolves around these four little critters these days.
Braxton loves the bunnies to join us for story time :)
I love my new babies
Braxton is loving being a bunny farmer :)
Thursday April 4th
Bunny Love!
We Bought the Bunnies new toys and they love them!
I would have never thought to buy a bunny toys but they have so much fun with them.
Making chocolate cupcakes!
 Friday April 5th
We took a long bath and played with all of our super hero's in the tub!
Cleaned the Bunny cage
Read stories to the bunnies
Fell asleep watching movies with Mommy and Daddy :)
Saturday April 6th
We Drove to Tucson to see Hailey
Our very sexy driver ;)
 And my new Sperry's Tyler got me for Easter and I LOVE!
Sunday April 9th
We went to the Tucson Zoo~
Monday April 8th
Windy Day perfect for Kite Flying :)
 Since Aunt Nikki was in Florida visiting Dillon for her actual birthday and just got back today we celebrated her birthday.
Braxton and his hermit crabs
Tuesday April 9th
Banana loving Bunnies
The Bunnies love there new hay box
Daily hour of outside play time for the bunnies
Mine and Tyler's anniversary!
We went to dinner at outback steakhouse and then spent the night just hanging out and cuddling :)
And that's it for our first weekly roundup :)

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