Tuesday, April 9, 2013

One year later!

Happy Anniversary to US!
I love being in love with my best friend!
He is the cutest most amazing guy in the whole world.
I am one lucky girl to have him.
They say when you meet the right person that you just know.
Well that's exactly how it was for us.
Tyler says from the first time he saw me he knew he wanted to spend forever with me.
All it took was two weeks and we were telling our family that we were getting married.
And every time I think I can't love him more.... I DO!
We are perfect for each other and we love every minute that we spend together.
We both bring out the beset in each other.
And I can't wait to spend forever with him at my side :)


Happy Anniversary Honey!
I can't wait to spend a 100 more with you!

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