Monday, April 8, 2013

Best Days of our lives

Things at our house have been a little crazy lately. And Blogging is usually the last thing on my mind. And of course if Blogging is on my mind, I don't have the time to actually do it. I always tell myself that I am going to get better at actually keeping the blog up to date, but that never seems to actually happen. But have you seen my kids? Aren't they the cutest?! Who would want to be blogging when I could be playing with them!

Me and Tyler are doing fantastic especially considering everything that we have had going on lately. But the last year has proven to us that we can make it through anything as long as we do it together. Everyone's first question for us is when are we getting married???  The answer to that questions is... We have decided that these are the best days of our lives. We are loving every second of watching our babies grow into little people and become more independent and have the cutest little personalities. And all of the crazy wedding planning we were doing was taking away from them. And a lot has been going on with Hailey's custody battle. So yes we are still getting married, however the date is undecided as of this time. But sometime in 2013 we will be saying I Do. But for right now we just want to enjoy our children. And the safety, health and happiness of our children is our number one priority at this time. We could not be any more excited to get married and spend forever together and have a few more cute babies. But for right now we are just happy being together and being the best parents we can be.

 I love being a mom. I honestly believe it is the best thing that has ever happened to me. And I love love love being a stay at home mom and getting to spend every day with Braxton and Hailey. I keep thinking one of these days I will want to go back to work. And I have thought about that especially lately when money has been tight. However, I think I would die if I had to leave my babies and go to work. So for now I will continue staying at home with them. And luckily I am marrying someone who completely agrees and would rather me be home with the kids and not working. Because the kids need me more than we need the money. Maybe when they go to school I will go back to work, but by then I will probably have a new baby that needs me. And I will want to work in the kids classes at school and go on field trips. So this mommy is going to be a stay at home mom for as long as she can, and luckily Tyler is supportive of that. But I have to admit that I am a little obsessed with Braxton and Hailey at times.  And this could be a good or bad thing for mine and Tyler's relationship, because I swear we are never alone. We always have one or both of the kids. We rarely hold hands because we always are holding a kid, blanket, backpack or toys haha. And anytime Tyler is not working I just want to take the kids and do something with them. But I love every minute of it. And Tyler is the best daddy in the whole wide world. He not only works all day and a lot of times extra hours to make more money but then stops at the grocery store and gets whatever groceries I need, and then comes home and becomes super dad.  He plays, read stories, wrestles and chases the kids, does bath time, story time, puts on jammies, cleans the house and then makes me whatever I want for dinner. And then after the kids go to bed he cuddles with me, watches lots of girlee movies and rubs my feet and gives me back massages. And Yes I know I am marrying the most amazing guy and daddy in the whole world.
And here's a little update on the kiddos

When I look at Braxtons baby pictures they still make me melt and want to cry. Time has flown by way too fast. I feel like it wasn't that long ago that I brought that sweet little baby home from the hospital but it was over 3 years ago!!! And truth is he's not my little baby anymore. He's all grown up! But secretly I hope that he will always be my little boy and always love me as much as he still does now. The other day when I told him that he use to be in my tummy before he was born he laughed at me an thought I was crazy. He asks me not to call him Braxton because his name is white thunder spiderman dinkins. I put a pink shirt on him for Valentines day photos and he cried!!! I've always got crap about putting him in pink from other people but never from him...He has more attitude than anyone I know and I guess its pay back for all the attitude I gave my mom. We took away all the sipper cups and are only using straw cups now! And Braxton has decided that he would like to go back to being a baby because he liked it better when he could have baby cups. He hasn't drank a sip of milk since I took away those silly cups. He talks in baby talk, robot talk, super hero talk, and regular Braxton talk (its quite entertaining).  He loves anything new. He wants to go with anyone that is leaving the house. His favorite things to eat are doritos, hot dogs, ice cream, Popsicle's, oranges, grapes and bananas. He is a total boy and just runs wild and wants to wrestle and be a super hero all day long. No one knows where he gets all of his energy because he never stops and is always like the energizer bunny. Grandma Sue is his favorite and he every time we go to Tucson he just wants to go back home and see his grandma. He loves commercials and always wants to buy whatever they are selling haha. If it was up to Braxton we would have way too many pillow  pets and stompees and ice cream makers because those commercials get him every time and I have to run in to the room to see what he's yelling about. He loves everything Spiderman and Scooby Doo these days. He loves to bake! His favorite color is still orange. He loves his bunny. He loves reading books. And is always playing on his leap pad. He loves to color with crayons and makers and is always painting. I may have a little artist on my hands.
My sweet Hailey brings the prettiness to my life. Everything with Hailey has to be pretty! And I love every second of it. She loves her jewelry and has tons of necklaces, bracelets, and rings. She loves her bows and flowers for her Hair and as soon as I start brushing her hair she starts saying bow bow bow. She loves picking out her own clothes (I swear she has more cute outfits than me) and will always pick a tutu if I let her. She loves all shoes and slippers and always wants them on. She is the cutest thing walking all around the house in her dress up shoes. She has tons of dress up shoes but always makes sure that hers match. Loves hello kitty and my little pony but her new obsession in Tinkerbell! She wont go to bed without a pillow. She always always always has to have her softie before she goes to bed and when she gets out of the bed in the morning the softie has to go with her.  She loves having her nails painted and they always have to be painted pink! She loves being a little mommy and playing with her babies. She loves the little kitchen. She's obsessed with cell phones. Her favorite color is pink and she wants everything pink. She is a total daddys girl however if we ask her whos girl she is she always picks me! She loves dancing and singing. She loves fruit. She wants to do everything just like Braxteeee. She always has hugs and kisses for everyone. She always just wants to cuddle with me. I will walk past her door at night and she will see me and start saying cuddle cuddle cuddle until I take her out of bed and let her cuddle with me. She does the same thing as soon as I tell her its bedtime she starts saying cuddle cuddle because she knows I will let her stay up and cuddle with me because its really cute. She always says sorry and gives hugs even if someone else did something wrong. She loves when daddy comes home from work. She's obsessed with grandpa Terry and Grammy.

As much as I am sad that they are growing up I am loving watching them grow and cannot wait to continue watching them and see how they change and how they stay the same.

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