Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Wednesday Round Up!

I am loving the weekly Wednesday Round Up's!
It encourages me to take more pictures and will be great to look back and see what the kids did each week!
So here's another weekly round up from last week.
Wednesday April 17th
Morning Bunny Snuggles
We packed up all the kids books for the storage shed because we are running out of room at my moms and hopefully me and Tyler find a house we love soon! Fingers crossed!
Holy Moly these kids have a lot of books and carrying them all down the stairs by myself made me realize that!
This is just the first half!
And we read at least 30 books because they kept seeing ones they had to read!
Hailey and her baby
Tea Party with the special glass tea set!
Thursday April 18th
Baby Doll Time
Writing Letters to Grandma McCall
Play Time
Game Day
My little pony match up
Busy Bugs
We had two monopoly games so I decided to just let the kids have one to play with and they had so much fun and it kept them entertained for hours!
They organized the money in the right colors over and over so it was good for there learning too!
Helping Grandpa with the Chalk Board
Friday April 19th
Miss Hailey on her bike
 Cuddle Time with Miss Hailey
Saturday April 20th
 Hailey playing video games with the boys!
Baby Diesel came to play while the mommies scrapbooked!
He loves Amazing animals
 Sunday April 21st
Play Time
Dress up Time
Coloring Time
Hailey and her tweet tweet
My Little Pony
Movie Time with the  big kids
Monday April 22
Grammy Cuddles
Beauty Parlor Time
Grandma Sue was getting her hair dyed so the kids decided they wanted to play too!
It was super cute
And then Hailey did mine
Story Time
Tuesday April 23rd
And that's a round up :)