Thursday, February 7, 2013

Christmas Eve 2012

I don't know how it happens but every year I swear Christmas gets better and better!
This was our first Christmas as a cute little family and I loved every second of it.
It was our first Christmas being engaged and the first Christmas Braxton and Hailey spent together.
we love our little monsters and treat them like little twins.
And I love having little twins.
And we tried to buy them all the same things for Christmas but usually one in girl colors and one in boy colors.
And we had the best Christmas ever!
Christmas Eve Eve we spent at Tyler's parents house in Benson.
So we woke up on Christmas Eve at his parents house and Santa had came :)
And brought them presents and stockings
Then we went home that afternoon and Santa stopped by bringing candy!
Then we lighted the luminaries with Grammy, but Braxton was sick and had to stay inside because it was too cold :(
Then daddy and uncle Chris made the kids Christmas boxes for the kids to keep there Christmas presents in after they opened them.
 And they loved there boxes!
They were the cutest Christmas presents I've ever got :)
 Then it was time to get Santa a snack :)
and Braxton never lets us forget reindeer's need snacks too!!!
So she got the plate
And he got the cookies
And they both got carrots
Hailey gave carrots and took a cookie for herself :)
And you can't forget the milk!
Of course then it was time to read the night before Christmas
Then off to bed our little monsters went excited to see what Santa would leave them in the morning!

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