Monday, February 25, 2013

February a month of love!

February is Of course my favorite month! As much as I love Christmas February is even better than December. Not only is my birthday in February but also so is Valentines day which is the cutest holiday of them all.
So happy late Valentines Day from my little cuties :)

These cuties were my Valentines while daddy was at work all day!
And they are the best Valentines any mommy could ask for :)
They loved Valentines Day and all the treats that came with it.
Grandpa Terry got them pretend roses.
Grammy got them a treat bag of candy.
Daddy brought them home stuffed animals and candy.
And mommy got them the fisher price little people Valentines Day set, Valentines Day sock monkeys (of course you have to have a sock monkey for every holiday)  and Valentines Day books.
Tyler bought me roses and a necklace and my mom bought me a shirt.
We were spoiled rotten!
Then because we were spending Valentines Day with out little Valentines we ordered outback take out and had a candle light dinner in the living room.
Braxton loved this special dinner, however his favorite part was blowing out the candles haha
We even lite them a few extra times so that him and Hailey could blow them out.
I know we are so romantic around here ;)
And then after our little monsters went to bed we watched a movie.
Cuddling with my favorite guy and loving our first Valentines day together.
And it was the perfect Valentines Day!
filled with lots of love and that's what Valentines Day is all about. 
And then of course my birthday.
Tyler made sure to get me my breakfast donut before he went to work bright and early.
I am not a morning person but when I finally did decide to get out of bed I was super happy to have my donut so thank you honey your the best!
Then Braxton hung out with me while I did my makeup and got ready and kept wanting to know when the party was going to start. And when all of my friends were going to get here. Apparently he thought my birthday was going to be as big of a deal as his always is!
Then I dragged Hailey out of bed and got her ready and we went with Grammy on a girls morning to the nail salon.
Braxton has been banned from the nail salon so he had to stay home with grandma sue.
Hailey was of course a perfect angel and sat patiently on my lap for two hours while I got my nails and toes done :)
And then she was the cutest thing getting her own nails done. It was way too cute!
She loved every second of it.

As you can see I am loving having a little girl to do girl things with!
Then we went to the bank and she stood like this the whole entire time so that she didn't mess us her nails it was too cute!
 And my zebra nails were pretty dang cute too if I do say so myself :)
Then when Tyler got home from work he took me out to dinner at out back. And then to see the movie safe haven since I had been wanting to see it for months before it was even in theaters. And we both loved it! And I appreciate him always watching girlee movies with me because I know they are not his favorite but he knows that I hate all of his "boy" movies so he always takes one for the team mostly because I think he knows if he picks a movie especially from red box I'm asleep in like ten minutes of it starting haha.
I couldn't have asked for a better birthday, it was perfect!  I got lots of fun presents and we got the dishes for our new house from my mom. It has taken us quite some time to finally find ones that me and Tyler could agree on. We are both very different people when it come to picking certain things for our house. But we always end up eventually finding one that we both just love.  He wanted square plates, and I wanted circle ones. He wanted more plain and darker colors, and I wanted a more girlish style and would have loved them to be in pink haha. But finally I found ones that weren't pink, that were the colors that he wanted but were circle, and that I loved and when I showed him he loved them too! It was a success and now I can't wait to hurry up and get married so we can eat off of our new plates! And I got a perfect night out with just Tyler. We have had Hailey for 3 straight weeks so we hadn't been on a date in at least a month, and I rarely had left the house so it was a much needed date night!
Pics from my phone for the rest of February.
My phone camera is horrible but my kids are still cute :)
My little fashionista
They love there big pillow animals when its movie time :)

She thinks her brother is the funiest thing in the whole world!
Bath Time is our favorite time of the entire day and we spend many hours in the tub playing, coloring, painting, and growing bath animals.
Baking cookies!
She loves the camera

Playing Cars
Watching grandpa outside doing yard work
Playing in there tents mommy made them.

Me and Hailey with our matching boots :)
Lots of Toy time
It was an exhausting month ;)

Friday, February 8, 2013

Christmas Day!

Twas the morning of Christmas
when all through the house not a little boy was stirring not even his sister :)
The Stockings were hung by the stairs with great care
In hopes that Saint Nicholas soon would be there
There tiny slippers were nestled all snug under the tree
Just waiting for tiny toes to slip warmly inside :)
Our Christmas this year was perfect!
Aren't there slippers super adorable???
I fell in love with them and the kids love them too
This was the best Christmas morning ever
I love watching the kids get so excited over there presents
and I got all of the things they had really wanted so they were very happy little kids
Pics from Christmas morning :)
I may have went a little over board on there stocking stuff this year but they were so much fun to buy for I couldn't help myself!
Power ranger and minnie mouse bikes!!!
Daddy's Stocking
And Braxton got the pirate ship that he had been wanting and wanting!
Everytime this year that you asked Braxton what he wanted he always said PIRATES!!!
And Hailey got her fairytale palace little people Princess Castle
And of course the kids had to get figits for Christmas big and little ones haha
And some days when I have heard them all talking for hours I hide them from the kids :)
And of course dream lights!
Action figures
All of Haileys "PRETTIES"
And the kids got tag reading pens which I promise I am going to open and start teaching them to use on Monday!
Of course Hailey got lots of babies for Christmas too!
It was the best Christmas ever and I can't wait until next year!
I get excited just thinking about it because next year we will spend Christmas just our little family.
Next year we will spend Christmas in our new house.
Next year we will spend Christmas as a married couple.
Next year will for sure be even better :)