Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Little elfs!

I am not even going to pretend that I'm not extremely far behind on my blogging :(
But our lives have been completely crazy and there has been no time for blogging or even sitting down at a computer.
However Christmas is my favorite time of year and I have so many cute pictures that I want to get the blog all caught up so be patient with me and I will do my best.

Every year my aunt has a Christmas Party for her family and friends.
And I look foreword to the party every year.
We always have so much fun!
And of course because I love us to always match I had to come up with something super cute for us to wear!
So I decided we should have red and green tie dye shirts.
Lucky for me Tyler is an awesome sport and not only wore his but made all of ours :)
And he did an awesome job and they turned out super cute!
Waiting for Santa to come!
Santa arrived!
Then we went Christmas Caroling!
In the boat :)
Hailey was the cutest little thing she sang along the whole time!
Thank You Aunt Sandy for the awesome party we had so much fun!

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