Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Our Special little Christms Ornaments!

Every year since my first Christmas my mom has bought me a Christmas ornament for the tree. Usually it is something that I liked that year or something that happened that year.
And I love that tradition and have did the same thing for Braxton every year.
 And this year he got his fourth ornament!
(Flash back of how much my little  guy has grown)
 And now he's huge!!!
Really he needs to STOP growing!
And this year because he's not a little baby anymore he picked his own ornament.
And he had the hardest time deciding so he picked two!
A spiderman ornament
and a power ranger ornament
He had so much fun decorating the tree!
And me and Tyler got our first ornament
And of course we picked one that looked exactly like my ring :)
And of course the little princess got a hello  kitty ornament :)

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