Friday, January 25, 2013

Polar Express 2012

We took Braxton and Hailey on the annual polar express trip!
It was the longest drive to flagstaff ever!
Luckily our kids were troopers and were soooo good.
They read Christmas books the whole way :)
It took so long because of course on the day we decided to go it decided to snow and be a huge snow storm!
Braxton loved it!
And there was lots of fun snow for the kids to play in.
 Cute girls hugging :)
Pics with Santa
Camo Cuties
Getting on the train
 We can't wait to do it again next year without the snow storm of course :)

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Little elfs!

I am not even going to pretend that I'm not extremely far behind on my blogging :(
But our lives have been completely crazy and there has been no time for blogging or even sitting down at a computer.
However Christmas is my favorite time of year and I have so many cute pictures that I want to get the blog all caught up so be patient with me and I will do my best.

Every year my aunt has a Christmas Party for her family and friends.
And I look foreword to the party every year.
We always have so much fun!
And of course because I love us to always match I had to come up with something super cute for us to wear!
So I decided we should have red and green tie dye shirts.
Lucky for me Tyler is an awesome sport and not only wore his but made all of ours :)
And he did an awesome job and they turned out super cute!
Waiting for Santa to come!
Santa arrived!
Then we went Christmas Caroling!
In the boat :)
Hailey was the cutest little thing she sang along the whole time!
Thank You Aunt Sandy for the awesome party we had so much fun!